Video index
1. Welcome
2. Comcast Transfer of Control
3. Statutory Revenue Sharing
4. Fireworks Celebration
5. Summer Playground Program
6. High School Graduation Numbers
7. School Financial Outlook
8. Obesity in Michigan
9. Michigan Power to Thrive
10. Trilogy Health Site Construction
11. Elle Nichols
12. Pay-to-Play
13. Lansing United Soccer Team
14. Township Adult Summer Sports
15. Goodbye
16. Credits
Jun 30, 2014 Meridian Magazine 1108
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Welcome
2. Comcast Transfer of Control
3. Statutory Revenue Sharing
4. Fireworks Celebration
5. Summer Playground Program
6. High School Graduation Numbers
7. School Financial Outlook
8. Obesity in Michigan
9. Michigan Power to Thrive
10. Trilogy Health Site Construction
11. Elle Nichols
12. Pay-to-Play
13. Lansing United Soccer Team
14. Township Adult Summer Sports
15. Goodbye
16. Credits
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