Video index
1. Call Work Session to order at 6:30 p.m.
2. Approval of Work Session agenda
3. Review of the Minutes of the September 18, 2007, Regular Meeting
4. Other Business
a. Environmental Public Service Announcement's
b. Re-appointments reminder (Eberhardt, Kielbaso, and Lederle)
5. Public Remarks
6. Adjournment
1. Call Regular Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
2. Approval of the Regular Meeting agenda
3. Approval of the Minutes of the September 18, 2007, Regular Meeting
4. Presentation on Clean Commute Options and Smart Commuting by Cathleen Edgerly of CATA
5. Chair's Report
6. Communications/Staff Report
a. WUP #06-12 (Wolverine) approved for Phase II of repairs
b. One or two new WUP applications expected soon
c. 9/29/07 recycling event a big success. Nearly double the number of cars (381 versus 200)
d. Urban Options has agreed to speak at a regular meeting after the first of the year (Jan, Feb, or March)
e. Reminder of early Nov. meeting date due to Thanksgiving. Tentatively scheduled for the 14th; not televised; and location to be determined.
7. Public Remarks
8. Discussion Items
a. Committee/Liaison Reports * Natural Resources & Energy Awareness Committee * Water Resources & Wetlands Committee
b. Study Groups/Liaisons
c. Other Business
9. Public Remarks
10. Adjournment
c. 9/29/07 recycling event a big success. Nearly double the number of cars (381 versus 200)
a. Committee/Liaison Reports * Natural Resources & Energy Awareness Committee * Water Resources & Wetlands Committee
b. Study Groups/Liaisons
c. Other Business
Oct 17, 2007 Environmental Commission
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Call Work Session to order at 6:30 p.m.
2. Approval of Work Session agenda
3. Review of the Minutes of the September 18, 2007, Regular Meeting
4. Other Business
a. Environmental Public Service Announcement's
b. Re-appointments reminder (Eberhardt, Kielbaso, and Lederle)
5. Public Remarks
6. Adjournment
1. Call Regular Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
2. Approval of the Regular Meeting agenda
3. Approval of the Minutes of the September 18, 2007, Regular Meeting
4. Presentation on Clean Commute Options and Smart Commuting by Cathleen Edgerly of CATA
5. Chair's Report
6. Communications/Staff Report
a. WUP #06-12 (Wolverine) approved for Phase II of repairs
b. One or two new WUP applications expected soon
c. 9/29/07 recycling event a big success. Nearly double the number of cars (381 versus 200)
d. Urban Options has agreed to speak at a regular meeting after the first of the year (Jan, Feb, or March)
e. Reminder of early Nov. meeting date due to Thanksgiving. Tentatively scheduled for the 14th; not televised; and location to be determined.
7. Public Remarks
8. Discussion Items
a. Committee/Liaison Reports * Natural Resources & Energy Awareness Committee * Water Resources & Wetlands Committee
b. Study Groups/Liaisons
c. Other Business
9. Public Remarks
10. Adjournment
c. 9/29/07 recycling event a big success. Nearly double the number of cars (381 versus 200)
a. Committee/Liaison Reports * Natural Resources & Energy Awareness Committee * Water Resources & Wetlands Committee
b. Study Groups/Liaisons
c. Other Business
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