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1. ZBA CASE NO. 12-06-27-1 THE ICON COMPANIES, 115 S. MAIN ST., STE 203, MISHAWAKA, IN 46544 DESCRIPTION: 4890 Marsh Road TAX PARCEL: 22-126-023 ZONING DISTRICT: C-3 (Commercial The applicant is requesting a variance from the following section of the Code of Ordinances: ? Section 86-687(3)c., which states in the case of multi-tenant structures, one wall sign shall be permitted for each tenant having an individual means of public access up to a size equivalent to one square foot for each lineal foot of building frontage occupied. The applicant is requesting to install a second wall sign at the Target store, located at 4890 Marsh Road, in the Meridian Towne Centre. One (1) wall sign is permitted and one (1) wall sign exists; therefore the applicant is requesting a variance.
2. ZBA CASE NO. 12-06-27-2 MICHAEL R. HOOVER, 6259 W. REYNOLDS ROAD, HASLETT, MI 48840 DESCRIPTION: 6259 W. Reynolds Road TAX PARCEL: 03-255-012 ZONING DISTRICT: RB (Single Family, High Density) The applicant is requesting variances from the following sections of the Code of Ordinances: ? Section 86-442-(f)(5)b., the side yard setback shall be consistent with the requirements of the underlying zoning district, except lots that were created and recorded prior to October 5, 1960, the side yard setback shall not be less than five feet for any building, accessory building, deck or porch, provided; o Any portion of a residential dwelling setback less than seven feet from a side lot line shall be built with noncombustible materials or treated with an approved fire retardant with a minimum one-hour fire rating. ? Section 86-374(d)(5)e., which states principal buildings shall be located in accordance with the front yard setback requirements of Section 86-367 for the types of streets upon which the through or reverse frontage lots abuts. Access to residential sites shall be located on the street with the lowest functional classification as illustrated in Section 86-367. The applicant is requesting to construct an addition to an existing house and the addition does not meet the required side yard setback; therefore the applicant is requesting a variance. The applicant is also proposing a driveway, to be built from Lake Drive, to provide access to the rear of his house at 6259 W. Reynolds Road. The proposed access (driveway) is not located on the street with the lowest functional classification; therefore the applicant is requesting a variance.
3. ZBA CASE NO. 12-06-27-3 LEASURE TYME LLC, 810 N. CEDAR STREET, MASON, MI 48854 DESCRIPTION: 2120 M-78 TAX PARCEL: 04-201-005 ZONING DISTRICT: C-2 (Commercial) The applicant is requesting variances from the following sections of the Code of Ordinances: ? Section 86-402(17), which states the maximum percentage of impervious surface permitted on a site shall be 70 percent. Impervious surface shall include all land covered with paving and buildings. The impervious surface ratio is calculated by dividing the total impervious surface by the gross area of the site. ? Section 86404(b)(3), which states no building, parking, access drive, or other structure shall be less than 100 feet from a residential district line, except a 60-foot setback shall be required if screening that incorporates a double row of interlocking trees, primarily evergreens, or the equivalent of in addition to general screening standards. ? Section 86-618(2), which states nonconforming structures, other than single-family structures, may be altered, expanded, or modernized without prior approval of the zoning board of appeals; provided, that structural alterations or extensions shall not increase the area, height, bulk, use, or extent of the structure and shall satisfy all other applicable site development regulations. ? Section 86-687(3)a., which states one wall sign shall be permitted and located flat against the building's front façade or parallel to the front façade on a canopy. For businesses with frontage on more than one public street, two signs may be permitted. In no case shall more than one wall sign be located on a façade and no wall sign shall be located on a rear façade. The applicant is requesting to add onto a nonconforming building; exceed the maximum allowed impervious surface coverage; install two (2) wall signs and one (1) wall sign is permitted; install a wall sign which is not placed flat against the building; and install a dumpster enclosure which does not meet the required setback at 2120 M-78 (Marvel Lanes); therefore the applicant is requesting variances.
4. ZBA CASE NO. 12-06-27-4 KONNY ZSIGO, 6415 E. REYNOLDS ROAD, HASLETT, MI 48840 DESCRIPTION: 6415 E. Reynolds Road TAX PARCEL: 02-102-024 ZONING DISTRICT: RB (Single Family, High Density) The applicant is requesting a variance from the following section of the Code of Ordinances: ? Section 86-442(f)(5)c., which states the rear yard setback shall be consistent with the requirements of the underlying zoning district, except the rear yard setback for those lots that directly abut Lake Lansing shall be measured from the ordinary high water mark of Lake Lansing as defined in Section 86-2. Per Section 86-2, the ordinary high water mark for Lake Lansing means the water level established by the Ingham County Circuit Court on February 26, 2003, at 852.29 feet above mean sea level. The applicant is requesting to construct an addition to the existing house and the addition does not meet the required rear yard setback; therefore the applicant is requesting a variance. Variance requests may be subject to change or alteration upon review of request during preparation of the staff memorandum. Therefore, Sections of the Code of Ordinances are subject to change. Changes will be noted during public hearing meeting.
Jun 27, 2012 Zoning Board of Appeals
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1. ZBA CASE NO. 12-06-27-1 THE ICON COMPANIES, 115 S. MAIN ST., STE 203, MISHAWAKA, IN 46544 DESCRIPTION: 4890 Marsh Road TAX PARCEL: 22-126-023 ZONING DISTRICT: C-3 (Commercial The applicant is requesting a variance from the following section of the Code of Ordinances: ? Section 86-687(3)c., which states in the case of multi-tenant structures, one wall sign shall be permitted for each tenant having an individual means of public access up to a size equivalent to one square foot for each lineal foot of building frontage occupied. The applicant is requesting to install a second wall sign at the Target store, located at 4890 Marsh Road, in the Meridian Towne Centre. One (1) wall sign is permitted and one (1) wall sign exists; therefore the applicant is requesting a variance.
2. ZBA CASE NO. 12-06-27-2 MICHAEL R. HOOVER, 6259 W. REYNOLDS ROAD, HASLETT, MI 48840 DESCRIPTION: 6259 W. Reynolds Road TAX PARCEL: 03-255-012 ZONING DISTRICT: RB (Single Family, High Density) The applicant is requesting variances from the following sections of the Code of Ordinances: ? Section 86-442-(f)(5)b., the side yard setback shall be consistent with the requirements of the underlying zoning district, except lots that were created and recorded prior to October 5, 1960, the side yard setback shall not be less than five feet for any building, accessory building, deck or porch, provided; o Any portion of a residential dwelling setback less than seven feet from a side lot line shall be built with noncombustible materials or treated with an approved fire retardant with a minimum one-hour fire rating. ? Section 86-374(d)(5)e., which states principal buildings shall be located in accordance with the front yard setback requirements of Section 86-367 for the types of streets upon which the through or reverse frontage lots abuts. Access to residential sites shall be located on the street with the lowest functional classification as illustrated in Section 86-367. The applicant is requesting to construct an addition to an existing house and the addition does not meet the required side yard setback; therefore the applicant is requesting a variance. The applicant is also proposing a driveway, to be built from Lake Drive, to provide access to the rear of his house at 6259 W. Reynolds Road. The proposed access (driveway) is not located on the street with the lowest functional classification; therefore the applicant is requesting a variance.
3. ZBA CASE NO. 12-06-27-3 LEASURE TYME LLC, 810 N. CEDAR STREET, MASON, MI 48854 DESCRIPTION: 2120 M-78 TAX PARCEL: 04-201-005 ZONING DISTRICT: C-2 (Commercial) The applicant is requesting variances from the following sections of the Code of Ordinances: ? Section 86-402(17), which states the maximum percentage of impervious surface permitted on a site shall be 70 percent. Impervious surface shall include all land covered with paving and buildings. The impervious surface ratio is calculated by dividing the total impervious surface by the gross area of the site. ? Section 86404(b)(3), which states no building, parking, access drive, or other structure shall be less than 100 feet from a residential district line, except a 60-foot setback shall be required if screening that incorporates a double row of interlocking trees, primarily evergreens, or the equivalent of in addition to general screening standards. ? Section 86-618(2), which states nonconforming structures, other than single-family structures, may be altered, expanded, or modernized without prior approval of the zoning board of appeals; provided, that structural alterations or extensions shall not increase the area, height, bulk, use, or extent of the structure and shall satisfy all other applicable site development regulations. ? Section 86-687(3)a., which states one wall sign shall be permitted and located flat against the building's front façade or parallel to the front façade on a canopy. For businesses with frontage on more than one public street, two signs may be permitted. In no case shall more than one wall sign be located on a façade and no wall sign shall be located on a rear façade. The applicant is requesting to add onto a nonconforming building; exceed the maximum allowed impervious surface coverage; install two (2) wall signs and one (1) wall sign is permitted; install a wall sign which is not placed flat against the building; and install a dumpster enclosure which does not meet the required setback at 2120 M-78 (Marvel Lanes); therefore the applicant is requesting variances.
4. ZBA CASE NO. 12-06-27-4 KONNY ZSIGO, 6415 E. REYNOLDS ROAD, HASLETT, MI 48840 DESCRIPTION: 6415 E. Reynolds Road TAX PARCEL: 02-102-024 ZONING DISTRICT: RB (Single Family, High Density) The applicant is requesting a variance from the following section of the Code of Ordinances: ? Section 86-442(f)(5)c., which states the rear yard setback shall be consistent with the requirements of the underlying zoning district, except the rear yard setback for those lots that directly abut Lake Lansing shall be measured from the ordinary high water mark of Lake Lansing as defined in Section 86-2. Per Section 86-2, the ordinary high water mark for Lake Lansing means the water level established by the Ingham County Circuit Court on February 26, 2003, at 852.29 feet above mean sea level. The applicant is requesting to construct an addition to the existing house and the addition does not meet the required rear yard setback; therefore the applicant is requesting a variance. Variance requests may be subject to change or alteration upon review of request during preparation of the staff memorandum. Therefore, Sections of the Code of Ordinances are subject to change. Changes will be noted during public hearing meeting.
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